2020 Current Use Values for Georgia Conservation Use (CUVA) Land and Forest Land Protection Act (FLPA) Land |
2021 Current Use Values for Georgia Conservation Use (CUVA) Land and Forest Land Protection Act (FLPA) Land |
After Hurricane Helene: How to Claim Timber Casualty Losses and Defer Taxes on Salvage Timber Sales |
An economic comparison of a short rotation loblolly pine stand to a long rotation of longleaf pine with and without EQIP cost-share and pine straw income |
Chemical versus Mechanical Site Preparation in Loblolly Pine Stand Management |
Does Fertilization and Competition Control Pay in Slash Pine Stands Growing on Deep Sands? |
Does Fertilization of Unthinned Loblolly Pine Pay Dividends? |
Economics of growing loblolly, longleaf, and slash pine to various rotation ages with three stumpage price sets, four establishment cost sets, four discount rates, with and without pine straw – soil expectation value |
Economics of growing loblolly, slash, and longleaf pine to a 33-year rotation with three stumpage price sets, four establishment costs, with and without pine straw – net present value |
Economics of growing longleaf pine to a 33- and 45-year rotation with three stumpage price sets, two establishment cost sets, with and without pine straw - net revenue and rate of return |
Economics of growing slash and loblolly pine to a 24-year rotation with and without thinning and pine straw – net present value |
Economics of growing slash and loblolly pine to a 24-year rotation with and without thinning and pine straw – net revenue and rate or return |
Estimating the Weight and Value of Individual Southern Pine Trees |
Forest Economics of growing loblolly, longleaf, and slash pine to a 33-year rotation with three stumpage price sets, four establishment cost sets, with and without pine straw – net revenue and rate or return |
Forest Economics of growing loblolly pine to a 15-year rotation with fertilization and pine straw–net revenue and rate of return |
Forest Economics of growing loblolly pine to a 15-year rotation with intensive management–net present value |
Loblolly pine rotation age economic comparisons using four stumpage price sets |
Natural and artificial loblolly pine regeneration and upland mixed hardwoods natural regeneration economic comparisons using three stumpage price sets |
Profile of Family Woodland Owners in Georgia, 2013 |
Property Tax Incentives for the Georgia Landowner |
Qualified Timberland Property: A new property class for Georgia forest landowners to consider |
Thinning & Forest Economics Series Paper 1 |
Thinning & Forest Economics Series Paper 2 |
Thinning & Forest Economics Series Paper 3 |
Why Not Selling Your Best Southern Pine Trees in a First Thinning Can Make Sound Economic Sense A Comparison of Selling Timber Using Three versus Four Wood Product Classes – Impact on Rotation Length Financial Measures - Series Paper IV |
Why Not Selling Your Best Southern Pine Trees in a First Thinning Can Make Sound Economic Sense and A Comparison of Selling Timber Using Three versus Four Wood Product Classes - Series Paper II |
Why Not Selling Your Best Southern Pine Trees in a First Thinning Can Make Sound Economic Sense Using Three Wood Product Classes – Impact on Rotation Length Financial Measures - Series Paper III |
Why Not Selling Your Best Southern Pine Trees in a First Thinning Can Make Sound Economic Sense using Three Wood Product Classes - Series Paper I |