Forest Economics

2020 Current Use Values for Georgia Conservation Use (CUVA) Land and Forest Land Protection Act (FLPA) Land
2021 Current Use Values for Georgia Conservation Use (CUVA) Land and Forest Land Protection Act (FLPA) Land
After Hurricane Helene: How to Claim Timber Casualty Losses and Defer Taxes on Salvage Timber Sales
An economic comparison of a short rotation loblolly pine stand to a long rotation of longleaf pine with and without EQIP cost-share and pine straw income
Chemical versus Mechanical Site Preparation in Loblolly Pine Stand Management
Does Fertilization and Competition Control Pay in Slash Pine Stands Growing on Deep Sands?
Does Fertilization of Unthinned Loblolly Pine Pay Dividends?
Economics of growing loblolly, longleaf, and slash pine to various rotation ages with three stumpage price sets, four establishment cost sets, four discount rates, with and without pine straw – soil expectation value
Economics of growing loblolly, slash, and longleaf pine to a 33-year rotation with three stumpage price sets, four establishment costs, with and without pine straw – net present value
Economics of growing longleaf pine to a 33- and 45-year rotation with three stumpage price sets, two establishment cost sets, with and without pine straw - net revenue and rate of return
Economics of growing slash and loblolly pine to a 24-year rotation with and without thinning and pine straw – net present value
Economics of growing slash and loblolly pine to a 24-year rotation with and without thinning and pine straw – net revenue and rate or return
Estimating the Weight and Value of Individual Southern Pine Trees
Forest Economics of growing loblolly, longleaf, and slash pine to a 33-year rotation with three stumpage price sets, four establishment cost sets, with and without pine straw – net revenue and rate or return
Forest Economics of growing loblolly pine to a 15-year rotation with fertilization and pine straw–net revenue and rate of return
Forest Economics of growing loblolly pine to a 15-year rotation with intensive management–net present value
Loblolly pine rotation age economic comparisons using four stumpage price sets
Natural and artificial loblolly pine regeneration and upland mixed hardwoods natural regeneration economic comparisons using three stumpage price sets  
Profile of Family Woodland Owners in Georgia, 2013
Property Tax Incentives for the Georgia Landowner
Qualified Timberland Property: A new property class for Georgia forest landowners to consider
Thinning & Forest Economics Series Paper 1
Thinning & Forest Economics Series Paper 2
Thinning & Forest Economics Series Paper 3
Why Not Selling Your Best Southern Pine Trees in a First Thinning Can Make Sound Economic Sense A Comparison of Selling Timber Using Three versus Four Wood Product Classes – Impact on Rotation Length Financial Measures - Series Paper IV
Why Not Selling Your Best Southern Pine Trees in a First Thinning Can Make Sound Economic Sense and A Comparison of Selling Timber Using Three versus Four Wood Product Classes - Series Paper II
Why Not Selling Your Best Southern Pine Trees in a First Thinning Can Make Sound Economic Sense Using Three Wood Product Classes – Impact on Rotation Length Financial Measures - Series Paper III
Why Not Selling Your Best Southern Pine Trees in a First Thinning Can Make Sound Economic Sense using Three Wood Product Classes - Series Paper I