General Tree Information

American Chestnut: A Deposed King
Anatomy of Branch Attachment Strength
Branch Length Faults & Failures
Cultural Aspects of Trees: Traditions & Myths
Endangered Species: FLORIDA TORREYA or FLORIDA NUTMEG Torreya taxifolia (Yew Family)
Exotic Pine Species for Georgia
Extreme Trees: Tallest, Biggest & Oldest
Frankincense & Myrrh: Gifts of Tree History
Georgia Native Tree Families
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) - Eldest & Last
Hoptree / Wafer-Ash — Ptelea trifoliata: The Flat Citrus
Hybrid Oaks (Quercus spp.) of Georgia
Live Oak Health Care: Planting, Pruning & Pests
Live Oak – Quercus virginiana: An Ecological Heritage
Manual Of Fall Tree Color Development
Most Common United States & Southeastern Community Trees
Native Pine Range Maps for Georgia
Native Trees Found In Every County of Georgia
Native Trees of Georgia
Native Wetland Trees of Georgia
Oaks (Quercus spp.) - A Brief History
Oglethorpe Oak (Quercus oglethorpensis): Descent Into Oblivion
Osage-Orange (Maclura pomifera): A Traveling Tree
Pine species of Georgia: Location, identification & issues
Pinus clausa sand pine
Pinus echinata shortleaf pine
Pinus glabra spruce pine
Pinus palustris longleaf pine
Pinus pungens Table Mountain Pine
Pinus rigida Pitch Pine
Pinus serotina Pond Pine
Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine
Pinus virginiana Virginia Pine
Rare Native Trees of Georgia
Selected Literature: Tree Anatomy
Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) - The Honey Tree
Southern Catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides) - The Fish Bait Tree
Tree Anatomy: Branch Attachment
Tree Anatomy: Tree Components
Tree Anatomy: Xylem Increments
Tree Biomechanics: Basic Understandings of Structure & Load
Tree History Workbook
Trees & Humankind: Cultural & Psychological Bindings
Trees of the Bible: A Cultural History
Trees with Compound Leaves: Identification Guide of Common Georgia Species
Tree Trichomes: Big Hairy Tree?
What Is A Tree?
Wild Harvesting and Cultivating Pawpaw in Georgia