Biology & Structure

Anatomy of Branch Attachment Strength
Black Walnut Allelopathy: Tree Chemical Warfare
Boron (B) - Tree Essential Element
Branch Length Faults & Failures
Copper (Cu) - Tree Essential Element
Crown, Branch, & Root Damage: Tree Susceptibility In Ice Storms
Endangered Species: False Poison Sumac, Michaux's Sumac, Dwarf Sumac, Rhus michauxii (Sumac Family)
Endangered Species: Hairy Rattleweed / Cobwebby Wild Indigo / False Wild Indigo Baptisia arachnifera
Endangered Species: Pondberry, Southern Spicebush, Swamp Spicebush Lindera melissifolia (Laurel Family)
Estimating Tree Stem & Branch Weight
Hybrid Oaks (Quercus spp.) of Georgia
Iron (Fe) - Tree Essential Element
Know Your Tree Biology
Life-Stage Nitrogen Prescriptions For Trees
Locating Nitrogen Enrichment Areas
Location & Regulation of Nitrogen in Trees
Manganese (Mn) - Tree Essential Element
Manual Of Fall Tree Color Development
Nitrogen & Trees: A Learning Manual
Oglethorpe Oak (Quercus oglethorpensis): Descent Into Oblivion
Osage-Orange (Maclura pomifera): A Traveling Tree
Secondary Tree Growth Increments: Ring Development & Forms
Selected Literature: Tree Anatomy
Soils & Tree Nitrogen
Southern Catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides) - The Fish Bait Tree
Standing Against The Wind: Introduction To Tree Structural Mechanics
Stem Disruption Geometry of Tree Branch Attachment
Threatened Species: Small-Whorled Pogonia Isotria medeoloides (Orchid Family)
Threatened Species: Virginia Spiraea, Appalachian Spiraea, Virginia Meadowsweet Spiraea virginiana (Rose Family)
Tree / Soil / Water Environment
Tree Anatomy: Branch Attachment
Tree anatomy: Defining trees & forms
Tree anatomy: Leaf shape & form
Tree anatomy: Leaf structure & function
Tree anatomy: Leaf surfaces & appearance
Tree Anatomy: Periderm (Bark)
Tree anatomy: Shoots and growth patterns
Tree Anatomy: Stem Components
Tree Anatomy: Tree Components
Tree Anatomy: Xylem Increments
Tree Anatomy Manual: Twigs
Tree anchorage & root strength manual
Tree Assimilation of Nitrogen
Tree Biomechanics: Basic Understandings of Structure & Load
Tree Essential Elements Manual (Part 1) (element genesis, organization & essentiality)
Tree Essential Elements Manual (Part 2) (element attributes, proportions & descriptions)
Tree Essential Elements Manual (Part 3) (water, nitrogen issues & element problems)
Tree Gender & Sexual Reproduction Strategies
Tree Growth Rate Table: Absolute Area Increase & Annual Percentage Growth
Tree Growth Regulation & Control Process
Tree Nitrogen Content & Growth
Tree Photosynthesis: Advanced Tree Biology Manual (Part 1 of 3)
Tree Respiration Process: Advanced Tree Biology Manual (Part 2 of 3)
Trees, Sites & Ice Storms: Attributes Leading to Tree Damage, Failure, & Mortality
Trees & Nitrogen: Basic Principals
Trees & storm wind loads
Tree Species Susceptibility To Ice Storm Damage
Tree Strength & Resistance to Damage Under Ice Storm Loads
Tree Sustaining Attributes of Water
Tree Trichomes: Big Hairy Tree?
Visual Assessment of Branch Attachment Strength
Water (H2O) - Tree Essential Element
Water & Tree Health Manual
Water Movement In Trees
Whole Tree Interactions: Advanced Tree Biology Manual (Part 3 of 3)